'43 Years as A Qualified Nurse: "I Do Not Consent to Tyranny. Our Choices Are Paramount in What Makes Us Human."' - December 30th, 2021
Sign the Together Declaration : https://togetherdeclaration.org/

Click link to watch video - https://odysee.com/@PetitsdeChrist:7/I-Do-Not-Consent-to-Tyranny.-Our-Choices-Are-Paramount-in-What-Makes-Us-Human:f
Renowned Virologist Warns of ‘Collapse of Our Health System’ Due to Complications from COVID Vaccines - Global Research As a first priority, he advised the public, “Never, Ever — allow anything, or anybody, to interfere or suppress your innate immune system,” which is the first line of defense human beings have to fight off all infections."... DVM, PhD | Geert Vanden Bossche